There’s no better way to enjoy warmer weather than road-tripping or some sort of water sport. But an updated biofuel rule permitting the sale of E15 gasoline could derail many summer plans.
The White House recently announced its intention to sell E15 (15% ethanol and 85% gasoline) to offset high prices at the pump — attributing it to the so-called “Putin Price Hike.” In an unprecedented move, the Environment Protection Agency (EPA) is expected to fall in line and will issue a rare emergency waiver greenlighting the sale between June 1st to September 15th —which was previously forbidden under the Clean Air Act, given air pollution concerns.
But this rule change would be sustainable for neither working families nor the environment.
With rising inflation, increasing production of corn-based fuel will further add to economic woes. Though it’s been lauded as a viable alternative to conventional fuel, E15 has vast shortcomings as a reliable fuel source.