Townhall: Alex Epstein Explains How Fossil Fuels Lead to Human Flourishing

Author, philosopher, and speaker Alex Epstein isn’t afraid to make the moral case for fossil fuels. To him, coal, oil, and gas are essential for continued human flourishing and environmental progress.

The Center for Industrial Progress founder has decried climate alarmism and radical decarbonization efforts for well over a decade. And he’s not slowing down anytime soon.

The sought-after lecturer has previously presented at Google and before Congress. He also regularly lectures at college campuses and board rooms across the nation. And he has a New York Times bestseller, The Moral Case for Fossil Fuels (2014), to his name and another book due out next spring.

With the Biden administration’s aggressive push to go carbon-free by 2050, Epstein’s insights are timely and valuable. Alex recently spoke with me for a wide-ranging conversation about fossil fuels, clean energy alternatives, and the future of human flourishing. 


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