I’m one of 12 “Guns in America” cover participants of the 245 total who are featured in this TIME piece in response to the Pittsburgh shooting and vandalism of the “Guns in America” cover mural in NYC. Here’s my full statement:
“All Americans grieve for those 11 Jewish congregants killed at the Tree of Life Synagogue in Pittsburgh on Saturday. It’s an unspeakable tragedy—one that angers us all, including us gun owners and NRA members. Any and all violence perpetrated against any American is an attack on us all. What this evil individual and criminal did goes against humanity and ethics ascribed to firearms safety. Do not lump law-abiding gun owners with this anti-Semite, because we reject any and all criminals who murder innocent Americans.
As someone who is ethnically Jewish, I worry about the rise of anti-Semitism rearing its head again, as it has in the last decade. This isn’t a new thing. Anti-Semitism has been making a comeback since the 1990’s. This supersedes politics and should be perceived as that.
It is my hope that more American Jews, should they choose, consider more options to protect themselves—including firearms trainings in their localities if they are available.”
Continue reading here.
What did you think of this piece? Am I on-target or off-mark?
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