Ep. 13 | ‘Sportswomen You Ought To Know’: Survivor and Gun Activist Kimberly Corban

On September 20, I interview sexual assault survivor and gun activist Kimberly Corban. Below is our full interview:

Ep. 13 | Kimberly Corban – Survivor, Mother, Advocate

Kimberly Corban-Survivor joins me for EP13 of #SportswomenYouOughtToKnow! Tell us where you're watching from. FFL | NRA Women | NRA Institute for Legislative Action | NRATV | Sig Sauer | Turning Point USA

Posted by Gabriella Hoffman on Wednesday, September 20, 2017

Here’s what Kimberly discussed:

  • She talked about how she got involved in the shooting sports
  • She detailed the horrific life event–her sexual assault–and how that led her to speak on empowering other women
  • She discussed her confrontation of former President Barack Obama on CNN’s gun roundtable in January 2016 and how it led to her involvement with the NRA.
  • She mentioned her favorite handgun and dream gun

To learn more about Kimberly, follow her on YouTube, Twitter, Facebook, and Instagram.


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