Virginia Right to Retrieve Law- A Violation of Property Rights? An Interview

“As a conservative and as a constitutionalist, you have to recognize that the rights that you believe you have for you and your dog do not supersede the property rights that another landowner has.” — Houndsman Andrew Pullen

In Episode 274 of District of Conservation, Gabriella interviews Virginia houndsman Andrew Pullen about Virginia’s right-to-retrieve law and the newly-filed lawsuit against Virginia Department of Wildlife Resources by Pacific Legal Foundation on the grounds of property rights violations. Tune in!

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Richmond Times-Dispatch: Private property owners sue over Virginia’s hunting dog law

Virginia property owners sue over state’s law that allows hunters to violate private property rights when retrieving hunting dogs

§ 18.2-136. Right of certain hunters to go on lands of another; carrying firearms or bows and arrows prohibited.

Andrew Pullen Facebook Post

Photo Credit: Andrew Pullen