The American worker is an integral part of our economic fabric. On this Labor Day, however, many are underserved by our elected officials.
How so? Today, they worry future opportunities will disappear if right-to-work is abolished and if public sector unions become more entangled in business affairs.
Naturally, President Joe Biden threw another bone to his Big Labor buddies pledging continued support for the PRO Act. His Labor Day proclamation, in part, reads like this:
American workers should make their own decisions –- free from coercion and intimidation — about organizing with their co-workers to have a stronger voice in their workplaces, their communities, and their government. That is why I strongly support the Protecting the Right to Organize Act and the Public Service Freedom to Negotiate Act. It is also why I created the Task Force on Worker Organizing and Empowerment, and asked Vice President Kamala Harris and Secretary of Labor Martin Walsh to serve as its chair and vice chair.
Don’t allow labor unions to monopolize Labor Day. Let’s stand with 59 million American freelancers instead.