Townhall: VP Mike Pence Aces Environmental, Conservation Question at VP Debate

During Wednesday’s VP debate in Salt Lake City, Vice President Mike Pence handily trounced his opponent, Senator Kamala Harris (D-CA), on the issues.

What’s not getting much attention, however, is Pence’s answer on the environmental and conservation questions—issues our constituency cares deeply about. 

I believe the former Indiana governor cogently and clearly communicated the Trump administration’s record on environmental stewardship and true conservation very well.

Free Market, Limited Government Environmentalism

Many are quick to dismiss the Trump-Pence record on environmental matters. Why? Detractors claim deregulation, withdrawing from ineffective pacts, and repealing disastrous plans result in poor environmental standards. 

Quite the contrary. 

VP Pence began, “I’m very proud of our record on the environment and on conservation. According to all of the best estimates, our, our air and land are cleaner than any time ever recorded. And our water is among the cleanest in the world.”

He added, “President Trump and I believe that the progress that we have made in a cleaner environment has been happening precisely because we have a strong free-market economy. You know what’s remarkable is the United States has reduced CO2 more than the countries that are still in the Paris Climate Accord, but we’ve done it through innovation. And we’ve done it through natural gas and fracking…”

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