Townhall: The American Story

Daniel Webster opined, “I was born an American; I will live an American; I shall die an American.”

I’m proud to be a first-generation American, a daughter born to Lithuanian immigrant parents who fled Soviet communism and arrived here in January 1986. Why? They came here in pursuit of the American Dream—a dream denied to them behind the Iron Curtain.

This draw of freedom, limitless opportunities and autonomy has drawn millions from across the globe here in our 244-year-history thus far.

And despite what many people say, we are united by a common thread: living in America, the greatest place on Earth. A story that’ll live on for generations to come—if we fight for her.

Has this country been perfect? Certainly not. Have there been horrible moments throughout our history? Absolutely. But there has been so much good and progress made here. We’ve learned from our mistakes and continue to aspire to create a “more perfect Union” each day. That’s beautiful and a wholly American ideal. 

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