VIDEO: Gabby Hoffman Joins Cam & Company to Dish Why Americans Are Turning to Hunting and Fishing During the Pandemic Media’s Cam Edwards invited me on his show #CamAndCompany today to discuss why more people are picking up fishing and hunting during the pandemic. Plus— tips for newbies, how to navigate hunting land access issues (plugged in Outdoor Access, Inc. as a great tool for my fellow East Cost peeps),the story of how I once ate coyote & beaver jerky my friend Jeremiah Doughty from From Field To Plate gave me and why you should listen to my podcast District of Conservation.

More on today’s episode:

With several food processing plants shut down around the country due to the coronavirus, fresh meat and poultry are becoming a little harder to find on store shelves. There’s evidence that more Americans are taking to the fields and streams to put food on the table, and Gabriella Hoffman, host of the District of Conservation podcast, joins Cam with tips on the best way to get started if you’ve never hunted or fished before.

You can watch the full interview below: