EP 82 | District of Conservation: Boris Passed His Hunters Education Course

In Episode 82 of District of Conservation, Gabriella’s dad Boris returns to the podcast to share where he is on his hunting journey. He updates listeners, talks about the importance of spending time outdoors, why he’s excited to experiment with Hi-Mountain Seasonings, and what their upcoming fishing trips look like once the Virginia lockdown is up in a few weeks.

Catch up on past episodes with Gabriella’s dad here and here.

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Ask & ye shall receive! Here's another interview our host @gabriella_hoffman did with her dad, a listener favorite on the podcast. He talks about his "first" hunting trip in Lithuania, why he decided to hunt at 65 and reflects on passing his online hunters Ed course. You don’t want to miss it! #LinkInBio LISTEN: https://bit.ly/BorisHunting Posted @withregram • @gabriella_hoffman Guess who just passed his hunter’s education course? This guy! Please join me in congratulating my dad on joining the fold. • You’re never too old to learn how to hunt. This old dog is gonna learn some new tricks. He’s a master chef, loves unique meat cuts and has tagged along on a moose hunt in the Old Country with my uncle before, but can now seriously get into the field with me this fall. Hooray! • Dad has taught me everything I know about fishing and together we got our concealed handgun permits (CHP) about five years ago. Now I’ll do my best to impart what I’ve been learning about hunting onto him and have him be mentored by more experienced folks too. I’ll be telling dad’s story about his decision to pick up hunting at age 65 in an upcoming @townhallmedia column. Can’t wait to share it with you! #newhunter #huntersed #proudamerican #vasteward #virginiawildlife #outdoorsman #wildlifeconservation #outdooraccess #mostinterestingmanintheworld #letsgohunting #letsgoshooting #isitseptemberyet #isitoctoberyet #outdoorsy #olddognewtricks #hunt2eat #wildgame #wildgame #itsinmynature #whatgetsyououtdoors

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