EP. 74 | District Of Conservation: Practice Social Distancing in The Great Outdoors, LWCF Update & MAPLand Act

In Episode 74 of District of Conservation, I discuss ways to practice social distancing in The Great Outdoors and how to heed caution from state wildlife agencies and be aware of any closures in your state(s). She also discussed the Great American Outdoors Act (to permanently & fully fund Land and Water Conservation Fund + address $12-18B National Park Service backlog), and the MAPLand Act. 

Listen on Apple Podcasts or below:

Or here:


NPS Social Distancing: https://www.facebook.com/nationalparkservice/photos/a.74409236388/10156790229431389/?type=3&theater

Great American Outdoors Act: https://www.portman.senate.gov/newsroom/press-releases/portman-bipartisan-colleagues-introduce-great-american-outdoors-act

Trump originally cut LWCF budget by 97%: https://thehill.com/policy/energy-environment/485780-trump-calls-for-full-funding-for-conservation-program-after

Trump tweet in support of permanent, full funding of LWCF: https://twitter.com/realDonaldTrump/status/1234949358644289541

MAPLand Act Primer: https://www.trcp.org/2020/03/10/mapland-act-simplifies-access-hunting-fishing-opportunities/

MAPLand Act Statement: Rep. Fulcher – https://fulcher.house.gov/press-releases?ID=06E26CD4-1EC0-4F5E-940C-6253B3D7D240