EP 58: Ladies Fish Tales from Headwaters on the Soque

On October 26, 2019, five female outdoor communicators became Soque Slayers at Headwaters on the Soque (HOTS). It was the lodge’s inaugural Ladies Cast and Blast event. Five women from different states, backgrounds, interest levels, and fishing styles all united by a love of fishing, fly and all, share their experiences from this heavenly slice of northeast Georgia. Here are their fish tales. 

Our roundtable discussion featured: 

 Cindy Nguyen of Columbia Sportswear: https://www.instagram.com/sidtx/

Captain Debbie Hanson of Shefishes2 and TakeMeFishing: https://www.instagram.com/shefishes2/

Dun Magazine’s Becca Powell: https://www.instagram.com/beccakpowell/

Outdoor Writer Emily George: https://www.instagram.com/em_georgee/

Content Creator Lexi Quinn: https://www.instagram.com/lexxyquinn_/

Listen to the episode on Apple Podcasts or listen directly below:

Contact lodge owner Mark Lovell about pricing and availability here: http://headwatersonthesoque.com/

Follow HOTS here on social media

Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/HeadwatersOnTheSoque/

Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/headwatersonthesoque/

Twitter: https://twitter.com/HeadwatersSoque


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