NRATV Interview: #EarthDay, Hunting is Conservation, Conservation Nation

On Monday, coincidentally Earth Day, I appeared on Cam and Company on NRATV with host Cam Edwards. I discussed how hunters (and anglers) play a critical but under-appreciated role in conservation and, by extension, the environment. I also discussed the launch of my new YouTube series, Conservation Nation, in partnership with the Committee for a Constructive Tomorrow (CFACT)—which also debuted on Monday. My NRATV interview begins around the 18-minute mark.

Fun #EarthDay interview on how #HuntingIsConservation with NRATV’s Cam Edwards. Also plugged in my new CFACT video…

Posted by Gabriella Hoffman on Tuesday, April 23, 2019

Episode 1, available below, is fast approaching 1,000 views. Ahhhh! Thank you! Check it out if you haven’t yet:


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