EP. 33 | District Of Conservation: Robbie Kroger of Blood Origins Talks The Power of Video Storytelling and Why It’s Needed in Hunting

In Episode 33 of District of Conservation, Robbie Kroger of Blood Origins joins the podcast to discuss Season 3 of his project and the power of video storytelling in the hunting industry.

Here’s what he touched upon:

  • His background and how a letter is the inspiration behind Blood Origins
  • His career in wildlife biology
  • What is Blood Origins and the gist of the project
  • Why he prefers America’s conservation system over anywhere else
  • The challenges that arise from people and entities not engaged in video storytelling
  • What makes a good hunting story and what he looks out for in subjects to profile
  • How to win over skeptics in the hunting industry and the importance of projecting authenticity
  • Dream guests for the series
  • How listeners can support Blood Origins and get involved

Visit www.bloodorigins.com to learn more about the project. Follow them on FacebookInstagram, and YouTube.

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Every pulse has a story—including those belonging to hunters. @bloodorigins ’ Robbie Kroger joins us on today's episode of the podcast to discuss the power of video storytelling and why it's sorely needed in the hunting industry. Download on Apple Podcasts: https://apple.co/2XWtph2 Download on Anchor.fm: http://bit.ly/2PFyWFA • • • *SPONSORED BY @reelcamogirl * #InTheBlood #BloodOrigins #Hunting #HuntingIsConservation #HuntingPodcasts #iamsportsman #whatgetsyououtdoors #tuesdaymotivation #videostorytelling #huntingindustry #TellYourStory #Huntervationist #HuntingHeritage #eatwhatyouhunt #fromfieldtoplate #organicmeat #pursuitofhappiness #mustlisten #districtofconservation

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Listen to our full interview here:



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