ONE WEEK: Join Us at Ohio State University for a “Hunting is Conservation” Panel

Yesterday, I announced I’m coming to Ohio State University for their “Time for Change Week” event on how hunting promotes conservation. It’ll be hosted by CFACT OSU.

Here’s the promotional flyer:


What: Hunting is Conservation Panel via @CFACTOSU

When: Wednesday, April 3rd, 2019 from 12-1pm

Where: The Student Alumni Council Room—2nd Floor, Ohio Union

Cost: FREE (plus pizza and drinks)


We will do our best to have a live broadcast of the presentation for those out-of-state or those unable to make it. Stay tuned!




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1 thought on “ONE WEEK: Join Us at Ohio State University for a “Hunting is Conservation” Panel”

  1. Pingback: EP. 30 | District of Conservation: Yes, Elk Are Thriving in Virginia and Come To Ohio State University Tomorrow for a "Hunting is Conservation" Panel | Gabriella Hoffman

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