EP 23 | District Of Conservation: The “Green New Deal” Is Awful for True Conservation

In Episode 23 of District of Conservation, Gabriella discuss how the “Green New Deal” is not only awful for the environment, it’ll kill conservation efforts, boating, and other activities that involve traditional energy sources.

Plus, she discussed Pennsylvania’s Sunday Hunting bill being considered and animal rights activists interfering with ray fishing management efforts in Maryland.




Green New Deal: https://theresurgent.com/2019/02/11/socialism-free-enterprise-environment-greennewdeal/

PA Hunting Bill – St. Senate : https://www.sportsmensalliance.org/news/pennsylvania-sunday-hunting-bill-clears-first-hurdle/

Ray tournament fishing ban extension: https://www.capitalgazette.com/news/general_assembly/ac-cn-cownose-rays-20190209-story.html


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