EP 19 | District Of Conservation: 2019 Virginia Fly Fishing & Wine Festival Recap and Interviews

In Episode 19 of District of Conservation, Gabriella recaps the 19th annual Virginia Fly Fishing and Wine Festival. I also conducted four mini interviews with four outdoor communicators at the show: 
—Emily George, outdoor writer, SEOPA member, and content specialist at Virginia Department of Game and Inland Fisheries
Instagram: www.instagram.com/em_georgee
—Debbie Hanson, outdoor writer and freshwater fishing guide out of Estero, Florida. 
Website: www.shefishes2.com
Facebook: www.facebook.com/shefishes2
Instagram: www.instagram.com/shefishes2
Twitter: www.twitter.com/shefishes2
—Joe Mahler, artist and fly casting instructor. He also works closely with Reilly Rod Crafters
Website: www.joemahler.com
Facebook: www.facebook.com/joe.mahler.54
Instagram: www.instagram.com/joe_mahler
—Matt Reilly, millennial fishing guide out of SW Virginia and outdoor writer
Website: www.mattreillyflyfishing.com
Facebook: www.facebook.com/matthew.reilly.7
Instagram: www.instagram.com/mattreillyflyfishing
To learn more about the Virginia Fly Fishing and Wine Festival, visit www.vaflyfishingfestival.com .
Follow them on social media:
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/vaflyfishingfestival/
Twitter: https://twitter.com/vaflyfishing
Instagram: www.instagram.com/vaflyfishingfestival
Listen to the full episode below:

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