The bipartisan Endangered Salmon Predation Prevention Act was signed into law by President Donald J. Trump on December 27th, 2018.
This law should be fully celebrated as a win for conservation!
The goal of the bill is to ensure the survival of endangered salmon, steelhead, and other native fish species in the Columbia River system—which have been significantly depleted by voracious California sea lions in recent years. It will allow various stakeholders, including tribal members and government fish managers, to remove these animals using both lethal and non-lethal means to remove these predatory sea lions in areas where they posed the greatest harm to the fish in question.
This reform is being applauded by conservationists and others as a boon to the health of various salmon species in the Pacific Northwest. They argue it will bring much-needed clarification to seal management efforts in the affected area where salmon populations have been on the decline.
Continue reading at CFACT blog.
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