EP 13 | District Of Conservation: #GivingTuesday Edition for Hunters, Anglers, Gun Owners

In Episode 13 of District of Conservation, Gabriella discusses a helpful article on which conservation groups hunters and anglers should support on #GivingTuesday and lists the best groups to support that promote true conservation efforts.

Listen to the full episode below:

Article on Charity Navigator, IRS 990 / 1040 Forms, and Foundation Money lustravagorvirginia.home.blog/2018/11/21/you-must-choose-but-choose-wisely/

Groups Gabriella mentioned as worthy of donating to or joining:

Sportsmen’s Alliance – www.sportsmensalliance.org/

Rocky Mountain Elk Foundation – www.rmef.org/

NRA – home.nra.org/

Western Bear Foundation – www.westernbearfoundation.org/

National Wild Turkey Federation – www.nwtf.org/

Ducks Unlimited – www.ducks.org/

Delta Waterfowl – deltawaterfowl.org/

Safari Club International – www.safariclub.org/

Raise ‘Em Outdoors – www.raiseemoutdoors.com/

Project Healing Waters – projecthealingwaters.org/

Congressional Sportsmen’s Foundation –congressionalsportsmen.org/


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