While at ICAST 2017 in Orlando, FL last week, I conducted my third series interview with my friend and leading fishing blogger Debbie Hanson. You can watch the full interview below:
Another version can be found at YouTube:
Here’s the gist of our conversation:
- Debbie discussed how she first got “hooked” on fishing.
- She went into detail about why she started her personal blog, Shefishes2, and partnering with TakeMeFishing.
- She elaborated on the issue of recruiting and retaining women in fishing.
- And she ended on what her dream freshwater and saltwater fishing trips would be.
To learn more about Shefishes2, check out Debbie’s website here. : Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram.
Follow Debbie across social media (Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram) and read her blog at TakeMeFishing.org.
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