On Tuesday evening, I gave a talk at my former workplace Leadership Institute for their Digital Communications Workshop on Social Media. I discussed how right-leaning political nonprofits can build up their social media strategy with more ease. Here was the gist of my lecture:
Building Your Strategy
A. Walk through a step-by-step process to build out your strategies, tactics, and goals for your social media presence. You’ll learn:
- how to connect your social media goals to your organization’s goals;
- how to select your social media platforms based on your target audience; and
- how to get buy-in for social media across your organization.
Here are a few points I discussed:
Have a clear and concise plan of action for your social media strategy; create a content or social media calendar to jumpstart your organization’s strategy.
Following the trends on social media usage: which platforms have the highest level of participation? I cited Social Media Examiner’s 2017 Annual Report and a November 2016 Pew Research Center poll during my lecture to help attendees narrow down their choices.
Use video–native or Live broadcast–across any social media platform.
It’s not enough to have a social media presence; it’s imperative to invest time into strategy to get a return on investment (ROI) for your efforts. Successful branding doesn’t come overnight–it requires diligence, a consistent plan on content creation and curation, and collaborative effort from your company team or digital specialists.
If you’d like a copy of my presentation, I’d be happy to email you a copy for reference–especially if you’d like to hire me to present to your organization, business, or conference.
To see how I can help you beef up your social media strategy, check out some recent case studies I’ve compiled. Want to hire me to lecture at your next training, conference, or on-campus? Contact me here.
As always, I recommend you follow me on Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram to stay in the loop with my musings. Subscribe to my newsletter–now LIVE. Chime in below with your comments! Am I off-mark or on-target? Let me know!
Would love a link to your case studies to follow up on this presentation. Thanks!